Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Morning

Growing up I remember having those winter Saturdays were you sleep in and stay in your pajamas for awhile doing nothing but whatever sounded fun. Well this was one of those Saturday mornings... no school, very little chores, and no plans for the day. I think even they really enjoy these laid back days of nothing planned.


  1. Well, I never got many of those...Saturday was work day, but we did the same thing today and enjoyed it!

    Don't you love those snuggly jammies?
    Thanks, Grandma.

  2. I so bad want to get Avril some nightgowns!

    Yeah, Saturdays usually meant firewood day! From breakfast til dinner. I'm sure we had it easy compared to a lot of kids but man, my kids are spoiled. And lazy. As soon as we get better we are going to work on getting a chore list done and we are hitting school hard for the next couple of months. We're about 4 weeks behind. But I do plan on making Saturdays laid-back.

    As far as staying in pjs...I'm so ready to not! =)

  3. Ohh.... so sorry Heidi!
    Did you guys realise I said winter Saturdays, cause spring, summer, fall, ones were work ones for us as well, but in the winter there wasn't a whole lot of work to do!

  4. Ha!
    Do you know my dad?
    There's work to be done year-round.

  5. love lazy days.. whatever day of the week!
