Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm already behind, but for good reason. ;)

So I loved the idea of challenging myself to get my camera out each day and take pictures of random things that happen each day.... not for everyone else, but for mainly me. I get sad when I realise it's been weeks since I've even picked my camera up! Well not no longer!! I'm going to try and capture simple moments or moment each day. I've already started, but haven't been able to post till now! Now I should be mostly good to go, computer up and running, and  DSL!!!! Yep, you heard right, WE, Chad Beck's have DSL!!!!! Okay, maybe you all wouldn't understand our excitement with your fast connections for years, but this is big if you plan on posting each day! I probably wouldn't even think of doing this if all this didn't fall into place.

 I hope to keep it simple, yet us. I had this name in mind for our blog for months, because, well, it's our life as we know it!!